Understanding Past Lives and Beyond
~ FREE Masterclass with Accompanying Course ~

Spiritual Deepening 🦋 Expansion 🦋 Exploration 🦋

Daniel Martinez Stahl_ Understanding Past Lives and Beyond Multidimensional AfterLife Between Lives FREE Masterclass and Course

This program, "Understanding Past Lives and Beyond," conducted by Daniel Martinez Stahl with Raquel Rodriguez, delves into the intricate and multifaceted subject of past life regression, spiritual journeys, and multidimensionality. The FREE Masterclass and accompanying course covers various aspects of these topics, including the soul's relationship with the body, life selection processes, connection with spirit guides, life reviews, healing chambers, and engagements with higher selves and councils of elders. Daniel and Raquel explore the complex nature of spiritual experiences, emphasizing the importance of one's own journey and the nuances of belief systems, symbolism, and personal interpretations in understanding past lives.

The discussions also highlight practical advice for both facilitators and travelers during spiritual regressions, encouraging an open, expansive approach and the significance of firsthand experiences. Finally, the program underscores the importance of recognizing one's multidimensional nature and integrating these spiritual insights to enhance the human experience in this lifetime.This is a comprehensive program that extends far beyond just a discussion about past lives; it delves into your multidimensional self and into aspects of the afterlife. 

Understanding Past Lives and Beyond

Quick Intro Video (~10 minutes)

To View the FREE Masterclass:

1️⃣  Register HERE for All Spirit w.Love FREE Content.

2️⃣  Then be sure you are logged into the system to access the program content.

To Gain Access to the Course Content:

1️⃣  You can purchase access to the Level 01 Course Module with Six Sessions HERE

2️⃣  Then be sure you are logged into the system to access the program content.

Understanding Past Lives and Beyond

The FREE Masterclass and accompanying Course take you on a journey through the fascinating topics of past life regression, spiritual exploration, and multidimensional existence. The content also highlights the healing potential of these journeys, the different 'stations' you might encounter in the afterlife, and the idea that time and multidimensionality are more fluid than we might think. Daniel and Raquel encourage keeping an open mind to better understand the symbols and messages that come up during these regressions. Overall, the program aims to deepen your spiritual understanding, helping you connect with your multidimensional self and enriching your human experience. 

Note: Exploring Your Own Past Lives is the sister course designed to give you a firsthand experience of six separate Life Beyond Form Spirit Journeys, helping you take the content of this program to another level of understanding.

Below Is a Selection of the Topics Covered in the Understanding Past Lives and Beyond Course

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Free Masterclass

FREE Masterclass (Diving Into Past Lives and Your Multidimensional Essence):

The FREE masterclass for Understanding Past Lives and Beyond, led by Daniel Martinez Stahl with special guest Raquel Rodriguez, delves into the concepts of past lives, spiritual regression, and multidimensional existence. The discussion covers various terminologies related to spiritual regression, such as Past Life Regression (PLR), Life Between Lives® (LBL), and Life Beyond Form™ (LBF). They explore the purpose and techniques of past life regressions, including the idea that past lives are not necessarily in the past but rather alternate lives happening simultaneously. Daniel and Raquel share personal experiences and emphasize the therapeutic and transformative potential of these explorations. The session concludes with a discussion on the nature of time, the structure of human existence involving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and the importance of connecting with one's higher self and spirit team.

  • Terminology and concepts related to spiritual regression, including Past Live Regression (PLR), Life Between Lives® (LBL), and Life Beyond Form™ (LBF).
  • Misinterpretation of the term "past lives" where the less known term of "alternate lives" is more accurate, what it means and the concept of time in spiritual regression. 
  • Impact potential for healing and transformation through spiritual regression.
  • Higher Self and Spirit Team and their guidance during past life regressions, providing insights and healing.
  • Therapeutic vs. Healing ApproachesDistinguishing between therapeutic approaches to past life regressions and healing or transformational approaches.
  • Experiences and Lessons from Past LivesThe significance of experiences from past lives and how they relate to current life challenges and healing.
  • Multidimensional Nature of SoulsThe concept of multidimensionality in souls and how this plays into past life and alternate life experiences.
  • Integration and Conscious ExpansionHow integration of past life experiences and the sharing of consciousness between lives can lead to personal growth and healing.
  • Are Past Lives Real and how the messages and lessons from these lives are more important than their historical accuracy.
  • Final thoughts and expressions of gratitude towards participants and spirit guides, with hopes for continuous growth and exploration.

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 01

Level 01 Course ~ Session 01 (Unveiling the Interconnectedness of Past Lives):

In this session, Daniel and Raquel explore the concepts and intricacies of past lives, alternate lives, and the interconnectedness of souls. Daniel Martinez Stahl discusses a variety of topics related to spiritual journeys, including the nature of the soul, the higher self, soul families, and the influence of past lives on the present. The session serves as an educational and explorative discourse on understanding past lives, emphasizing personal discovery and the interconnectedness of the soul across different lifetimes. Daniel and Raquel underscore the importance of spiritual awareness and openness, encouraging listeners to engage with their spiritual journeys thoughtfully and authentically.

  • Introduction to past lives and timelines, focusing on the concept of soul and the spiritual body.
  • The four bodies relevant to our current experience: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  • Higher Self or Oversoul, its relationship to the soul and our individual lives (tree metaphor is used to describe the relationship).
  • Descriptors and terminology used to describe similar concepts and spiritual terms, which can be used interchangeably by different individuals.
  • Living a block of lives concurrently rather than linearly, how our different lives influence each other and are part of our spiritual journey.
  • Soul Family and Soulmates explored, their relationships and how they play various roles in multiple lifetimes.
  • Twin Flames description as two parts of one whole, often linked with a specific purpose, with a distinction between twin flames and soulmates.
  • Case Study describing how past life trauma, such as abandonment, can influence multiple lifetimes and how understanding and reframing these experiences can lead to healing.
  • Our Multidimensional Nature, which includes "past lives" and it's impact on our current life; how healing in one life can influence healing across other lives.
  • Role and purpose of different spirit guides, advisors, guardians in our spiritual journey, including our higher self. 
  • Destiny and free will, how our choices impact our journey and how the greater plan of our higher self influences our direction.
  • Importance of the Current Lifetime, its significance and the critical role in the transition from old to new paradigms. 
  • Practical advice for those interested in exploring past lives and spirit journeys; the importance of being open-minded and allowing the higher self and spirit team to guide the experience.

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 02

Session 02 (The Dynamics of Karma, Energy, and Past Lives):

In this session, Daniel Martinez Stahl and Raquel Rodriguez engage in a thoughtful discussion about the nature of karma and past lives. Daniel introduces a radical idea that karma may be a human-made concept, emphasizing that energy's impact is immediate rather than spanning across lifetimes. The conversation explores themes of spiritual growth, responsibility for one's own energy, and the importance of integrating spiritual awareness with human experience. They also touch upon the planning of lifetimes, different spiritual modalities for personal growth, and various multi-dimensional and non-human life experiences. The session concludes with plans to delve into the afterlife in future discussions, aiming to deepen the understanding of both spiritual and human journeys.

  • Karma and spirituality, presenting the idea that karma is a human-made concept and is instantaneous rather than lingering across lifetimes.
  • Energy accountability, the influence of one's energy on others while stressing the personal responsibility everyone has for their own energy and experiences.
  • Life planning, the spiritual view of life planning before birth, the role of free will, and how higher selves coordinate significant events in life.
  • Law of Attraction, its ties to the concept of instantaneous karma, emphasizing that the vibrations one lives in attract similar energies.
  • Permission slips, how different beliefs and modalities (e.g., past lives, inner child work) serve as "permission slips" for personal transformation and healing that is inherently already innate at the core of our true Self.
  • Concept of Multidimensional Lives, being lived simultaneously in various forms, including non-human lives on Earth and elsewhere, including energetic forms in other dimensions.
  • Practicing Spiritual Regression,  the practical aspects of conducting and experiencing spiritual regression sessions and the importance of understanding the role of our intellect as a partner.
  • Imagination vs. Reality, the thin line between imagination and spiritual intuition, emphasizing that the validity of the message revealed through the experience matters more than whether it is objectively real.
  • Exploring the Afterlife, as a future discussion and the different kinds of experiences post-physical life, aiming to enhance the understanding of our spiritual nature.

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 03

Session 03 (Understanding Soul Integration and Life Selection):

In this extensive session, Daniel and Raquel engage in a deep and nuanced dialogue about understanding past lives and the realms beyond. They delve into a variety of complex spiritual themes, such as the afterlife, the experience in the womb, life selection processes, and the concept of walk-ins. Drawing heavily from Michael Newton's ideologies, Daniel explains the significance of the soul-body alignment during the womb phase and its implications for the human experience. The conversation also highlights the integration of intellect with spiritual journeys, challenging the common notion that spiritual growth is solely a heart-centered process. The session underscores the multifaceted nature of spiritual journeys, the importance of integrating intellect and ego, and the constant support from spiritual beings throughout our human experience. The session ended on a heartfelt note, reassuring participants of their eternal connection to Source and the never-ending support from the spiritual realm.

  • Life Selection, a discussion about the afterlife and the process of life selection starting from the womb (Michael Newton's ideology and more).
  • Integration of the Soul and Body, the relationship between the soul and the body, and the physical integration between the two.
  • Developing a language between your Spirit and Human Self, how our understanding helps to create a language that allows effective communication between these aspects of ourselves.
  • Human Experience and Spiritual Intelligence, the innocent perception of separation between the two and how exploring past lives can help.
  • Importance of Intellect in Spiritual Journeys, the role of the intellect in spiritual growth and journeys, countering the common belief that spiritual expansion only happens through the heart.
  • Defining the Ego as our Human Experience, its integration rather than exclusion, and how the term is often a misrepresentation of Self. 
  • Walk-ins, attachments and cords, differentiating between them and how everything is always planned and approved by the Soul.
  • Life Selection Process, how souls work with guides, soulmates, and soul family to plan and prepare for their human lives.
  • Council of Elders, their role as the board members of our own spiritual journey and progress, assisting in the guidance of one’s life path.
  • Soul Development, the illusion of hierarchies, and how experiences contribute to unique growth and exploration.
  • Enjoying the Learning Process, why souls may choose to learn bit-by-bit for the fun of it, instead of accessing all knowledge at once.
  • Co-Creation with Source Energy, understanding that we are never alone and are always co-creating with Source Energy.

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 04

Session 04 (Life Choices, Soul Relationships, and the Multidimensional Journey):

In this session from the "Understanding Past Lives and Beyond" mini-series, Daniel discusses various aspects of life selection and relationships from a spiritual perspective. He explains that individuals often choose their life circumstances, including their bodies and relationships, to facilitate personal growth and learning. The session delves into how past lives influence current relationships and experiences, touching on concepts such as karma, soul families, and the roles different individuals play in one's life across multiple lifetimes. Raquel contributes by echoing Daniel's sentiments on the importance of choices and experiences, and the significant impact they have on personal development. The conversation emphasizes non-judgment, the neutrality of choices, and the importance of understanding and integrating past life lessons into one’s current life for a more expansive and balanced experience.

  • Life Selection Process, how souls select their lifetimes and bodies to develop specific characteristics and experiences.
  • Relationships Across Lifetimes, the recurring roles of loved ones across multiple lifetimes and their impact on personal growth.
  • Soul Families, how soul families reincarnate together, taking on varied roles to support each other’s evolution.
  • Healing of past life traumas, their influence on current lifetimes, and some methods involved for healing these traumas.
  • Belief Systems and Experience, how individual beliefs shape our experiences, especially our trauma, interpretations, and spiritual journeys.
  • Multidimensional Selves, the concept of a soul being composed of multiple energies and the collaborative nature of spiritual decisions.
  • Conflicting Personalities, insight into the tension between the soul’s natural tendencies and the characteristics of the chosen body.
  • Adversaries in Lifetimes, are most likely very close souls who love us very much, playing difficult roles for our mutual growth.
  • Past Life Memories, can surface through dreams, meditations, and other means, providing insights for current life challenges.
  • Role of Spirit Guides, and higher selves offer guidance and insight to navigate lifetimes and spiritual growth

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 05

Session 05 (Journeying Through Multidimensional Identity and the Afterlife):

In this session, Daniel and Raquel discuss the complexities of understanding and experiencing multidimensionality through the lens of past life regressions. The conversation covers various aspects, such as the integration of spiritual and human experiences, the healing process post-regressions, and the notion of living concurrent lifetimes. They explore the concept of multidimensionality, using metaphors like a tree's root and branch system to illustrate the layers of our existence and addressing common challenges their clients face in grasping these ideas. Furthermore, they delve into the mechanisms of death, transition points, and life review processes in both past lives and present terms, emphasizing personal definitions and flexible models for understanding these intricate topics.

  • Multidimensionality, reflecting on personal experiences, and how different individuals perceive and experience their multidimensional self.
  • Experiencing Past Lives, how spiritual journeys such as spiritual regressions can illustrate one's multidimensional nature.
  • The Human Experience and importance of integrating spiritual experiences back into our human life.
  • Higher Self and Soul Composition, how the soul and higher self may be composed of multiple energies or even entities.
  • Healing Chambers in Spiritual Journeys, types of healing chambers that souls use for integrating and healing from corporal experiences.
  • The Nature of Death and Transition, fears of death, the process of transitioning, and how belief systems shape those experiences.
  • Choice Points in Life, how every death is a conscious choice made by the higher self and made from a variety of different choice points.
  • Past Life Regression as a Healing Tool, understanding and comfort, helping individuals deal with current life's fears and unresolved issues.
  • Spiritual Guides and Their Roles, in facilitating healing, guiding through spiritual journeys, and assisting in transitioning experiences.
  • Navigating Spiritual Conversations, adapting explanations to match the belief systems and comfort levels of different individuals.
  • Perceptions of Time and Evolution, the idea that time is non-linear, and how this impacts the notion of living multiple lives concurrently.
  • Integration of Spirit and Human Experience, bringing back spiritual revelations into everyday human life while maintaining an awareness of both spiritual and physical existence.

Understanding Past Lives, Life Between Lives, the Afterlife, Life Beyond Form Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl - Course Lesson 06

Session 06 (The Journey of Self-Healing and Spiritual Awareness):

In this final session of Understanding Past Lives and Beyond, Daniel, alongside Raquel, initiates a conversation on the importance of focusing on the present lifetime rather than feeling responsible for healing past lives. They delve into various spiritual concepts, such as the multidimensional nature of the soul, soul responsibilities, and the symbiotic relationship between the human and spiritual self. The discussion also covers metaphors, the significance of prior experiences, and how spirit teams communicate during regression sessions. Emphasizing the fluidity of spiritual journeys and the idea of taking revelations with a grain of salt, Daniel provides insights on the unique, expansive paths each person might explore. The session concludes with encouraging participants to reflect on their journeys and appreciate the supportive role of their spirit team.

  • Responsibility in Healing, emphasizing that individuals are not responsible for healing other past lives or their multidimensional selves. Instead, focusing on their journey in this lifetime will ultimately benefit their broader existence.
  • Concept of Healing, the notion of "healing" implies something is broken, which Daniel challenges by asserting that all beings are already whole and complete. Misunderstandings create the illusion of lack and the innocent perception that there is a need for healing.
  • The Role of Past Lives, can be enjoyable and transformative but should not be seen as a necessity for healing or progression in this lifetime.
  • Soul vs. Higher Self, the distinctions and interplay between the soul, individual consciousness, and the higher self.
  • Symbiotic Relationship Between Human and Soul is described as synergistic, with the soul helping to bring the human back into balance.
  • Afterlife Exploration, including healing stations, life reviews with councils of elders, meeting soul families, and the library or Akashic records.
  • Symbolism and Meaning in Spirit Journeys, and how the messages received are relevant to the person's current state and understanding.
  • Fluidity of Spiritual Messages, the importance of allowing spiritual messages time to fully unfold, rather than jumping on initial impressions.
  • Interconnectedness with Spirit Team, their support and guidance; the collective growth experienced by both the individual and their guides.
  • Encouragement of Spiritual Exploration, learning, and expanding one’s understanding of their own spiritual self and perception of reality.

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Additional information for each of the individual sessions is available within the course content. 

How to Gain Access to All of the Content...

1️⃣  To access the Free MasterclassRegister HERE for All Spirit w.Love FREE Content.

2️⃣  You can purchase access to the Level 01 Course Module with Six Sessions HERE

Once you have chosen your desired level of access, you can go to the program below:

Understanding Past Lives and BeyondSpiritual Development and Awakening - Understanding Past Lives and Beyond, Life Between Lives, Spirit Guides, Council of Elders Free Masterclass and Course with Daniel Martinez Stahl

🦋 Make sure you are logged into the system so you can enjoy the journey. 🦋

About Our Speaker: Daniel Martinez Stahl specializes in Spiritual Development, Exploration and Facilitation. Fundamentally, he helps people to understand who they are as both Spirit and Human, and assists them in exploring aspects of their spiritual journey and communicating directly with their higher self and the rest of their Spirit team. These first-hand spiritual adventures include past lives, alternate lives, the afterlife in-between lives, and other metaphoric journeys that are all orchestrated by their own spirit team.

Daniel loves to work with people who are interested in playing at the edges of their understanding. People who want to thrive in this life, with the willingness and courage to question conventional ideas and a desire to look within to access the power of their infinite potential. People who are driven to improve their life by exploring what it means to be both Spirit and Human; who have a curiosity about existence itself, of how the mind works and about the system behind-the-scenes of live. Someone who is committed to shifting their experience into a new normal by aligning with their higher self, innate well-being and inner wisdom.

Daniel Martinez Stahl_Sunset-H02_Spiritual-Development

To contact and learn more about Daniel:

Facebook: @DanielMartinezStahl
Instagram: @DanielMartinezStahl
YouTube: @DanielMartinezStahl
Twitter: @DMSTLQ
TikTok: @DanielMartinezStahl

Associated Courses with FREE Masterclass

Daniel Martinez Stahl_LakeChair-V_IMG_3920

A Little About Your Host ~  Daniel Martinez Stahl

We are all on a quest to find our true selves throughout our lives, this site and the work that I do is an autobiographical representation of my own journey and the passion I feel to share what I have learned about what it means to be both Spirit and Human, and the symbiotic relationship between the two. In doing so, the hope is that my journey can help you connect, awaken and remember the true greatness, majesty and magnitude of who you are. So that you can create the life you want to live, with even more joy, abundance and love. To learn about my other projects:

   Daniel Martinez Stahl www.DMS.lol Spiritual Development Wbg Logo_900   (If you wish, you can Read More About Me here.)

May We All Soar With Inspiration, Explore With Passion and Live With Love.
   ~ Lots of Love, Daniel 🙂❤️

Being Spirit ❤️ Being Human ❤️ Simply Being from Love ❤️


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